What I Played Today: September 17

Rift, Trackmania

I mainly stayed on the plain today, going into Rift for some general fun, as well as playing a bit of Trackmania to kill the time. Trackmania is still pretty well designed, and I will probably be convinced to buy the latest one here soon.

In Rift, I did a bit of everything; did a few PvP maps and made it to Cadet level, so now I can buy the lowest level PvP set. I'm surely going to do that soon. One thing I like is that while the PvP set is pretty dang good right off the bat, it doesn't ramp up to being Tier 1 good until close to the third set (which you need to buy all other sets before you can acquire), and it provides bonus stats to Valor instead of Focus or Hit, which is completely useless in dungeons, only helpful in a PvP setting. So it would be foolish and unlikely for someone to really dig deep into PvP and then think they can suddenly start doing raids. Nice touch.

Also went into a Tier 1 dungeon as a support character, it went fine. That one shitty boss that I wiped on a couple of times went down easily, although slowly because we were a little too vigiliant about preventing his call abilities. Our only hiccup was in the final boss, when pretty much the entire party misjudged about how far away they should stand, and everyone died pretty much instantly, but we got him the second time around. Oh, and I was completely shut out of the first fight because for some reason, they throw up a line of sight breaking wall over the entrance when the fight starts, and I was trapped on the other side, so they had to four man it. What the hell, guys?

Then ran around doing crafting rifts for a while. There were two groups there, one Defiant, one Guardian, and we both mooched off each other. I was accidently flagged early on, so I died a couple of times to PvP combat, but eventually that faded, and I got a few runecrafters plaques, so...that's nice. It'll still be several weeks before I have the full set I'm working on, and I need to find an artificer to help me out. I wish there was a quick way to get a lot of money.

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