What I Played Today: February 2

BattleCON, Dungeon Petz

Went to play games, played plenty of games of BattleCON, and I still think it's great, even though I totally suck at it. Like, so bad. Someone in fact felt sorry for me, that's how badly I was playing. But it was enjoyable, got to try a lot of characters, seeing how different players worked, and how absolutely madcap the multiplayer is. I died within three turns, getting hit, bounced to the other side of the map, and then hit AGAIN, which was ridiculous. But it was fun.

Also played a game of Dungeon Petz, which went well. I like just how easily crunchable this game is; when I tried to describe any of Vlaada's other games, there has been a lot of headscratching, but here, I can clearly state what will happen each round, what each space does, what each need does, what you need to keep track of, and everything is on board by the beginning of round 2, when stuff starts to matter. It makes playing a lot of fun, and it's also ridiculously fast, considering. If only set-up didn't take what felt like hours.

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