What I Played This Year 3: Honorable Mentions

Holy cripes, you guys. I have been doing this for three years. Man, how is this working for you guys? Enjoying it? Because I'm having a good time!

Anyway, this year has been a year of huge change for me. I moved to a new city, acquired a new gaming group, and really started playing a ton of PC games. I definitely do more face-to-face gaming now than I was doing a year ago, but I'm also somehow playing less. I have probably purchased far few physical games this year than in years previous (although when I did, it was usually spending way too much on Kickstarter projects). But I am still gaming! And I am okay with that! So let's break it down, first, with a number of things I feel like pointing out, before we get to the Top 10 list tomorrow!

Weird New Posting Trend: Breaking up my posts! I ended up really want to tell some stories about the games I've played, like a cranky old man. But when I do this, I tend to spoil things, so I have been hiding the majority of some of my posts, just to fair to people who don't want to hear me talk. Not sure why I'm pointing it out, just noticing that I have been doing it a lot.

Favorite Post This Year: This one. Just...such a ridiculous scene, I STILL think about how dumb this was, and I had such a fun time describing it.

Honorable Mention: Strategy Games - I did not play a single strategy game more than five or six times, but I did play a lot of them. Europa Universalis III, Civilization V, a few others I've purchased and tried. But after giving it a real college try, I find I quite like a game with a lot of moving parts, with a lot of surprises to look out for, and just a sense of trying to keep everything under control. I think this is related to Honorable Mention Number 2.

Honorable Mention: Roguelike Games - I ended up playing a lot of games that share some obvious benchmarks. Dungeons of Dredmor, FTL, Don't Starve. All games in which survival is difficult, the odds are stacked against you, and the game resets itself after you inevitably fail. The tension of trying to stay alive in a game no longer terrifies me as it once did, and the willingness to give it another go is much easier. Plus, again, the surprise of what will happen next, and if it might accidentally take you out. I do believe this might be based on a philosophical shift...actually. Hmm.

Honorable Mention: Social Traitor Games - I ended up playing a TON of Werewolf online, and while it had a hard time getting started, I eventually loosened up and have been having a lot of fun chatting with people and deducing motivations. I've also played a lot of these games in person, and while my group currently is not in the mood, I am hoping I can turn them again, because I have a lot of fun lying to people. Wait?

Honorable Mention: Trivia Games - My participation with pub trivia has just recently been ramping up, but I have played a lot of You Don't Know Jack, mainly because the Facebook version of the game is fast and fun, just 4 questions and a Jack Attack, it takes 5 minutes of my day and allows me to feel smart for a few minutes. I like feeling smart.

Honorable Mention: Board Game Variety - I have meet a new crew, and have been doing to game night 2-3 nights a week, which is great, but when putting together my most played list, there was a noticable lack of board games again, like last year. A few strong contenders, but most of them short or common. Then I realized what I had said to someone when he suggested playing a particular game, "Nah, I've played that this month." I realize I want to try new board games a lot. There are so many out there, and my brainspace wants to experience a lot. I must have added a good 50 new board game names to my labels, but they have a sad little (1) next to them. And that's okay, since I'm not the only one in my group buying board games anymore.

Best Board Game Experiences This Year:
Android: Netrunner - This was the first LCG that I've really gotten invested in, and I hope to play it more.
BattleCON - I love this system, I love pretty much everything this guy does, and I will continue to force people to play it with me.
Cribbage - This was a weird moment, but you know, kinda glad it happened, really makes you remember where the hobby started.
Dominant Species - I got a chance to play this a few times this year, and each time is has been fun, especially the game that I lost by a single goddamn point.
First Sparks - This game was really fun because I was the only non-drunk person at the table, and it was just kind of enjoyable trying to keep everyone in line.
Grimoire Shuffle - This ended up being satisfying in that I went through all the effort to print this game out, was really worried while it was being played, and then discovered that everyone in fact had a great time.
Ora et Labora - I miss my early morning gaming with my friend in Cali, and every time we played Ora et Labora was a great time.
Race for the Galaxy - I played a lot of Race for the Galaxy, and I would be remiss not to mention it.
Skull and Roses - This simple bluffing game has provided some really enjoyable moments, although my favorite moment was when I played the first time and I had no clue what I was doing.

Video Games I Finished This Year:
Assassin’s Creed Revelation - For some damn reason I played through this game, and it ended up being hilarious to experience, so I'm glad it happened.
Dance Central 3 - The story was bonkers and great and those end credits were a delight.
Dust: An Elysian Tail - Solid game, intriguing story, incredible endeavor. Knowing one guy did this is jaw dropping.
Fez - Holy balls this game, such a great and mindblowing experience. It starts out normal and dull, and then you realize the whole thing is in fact bananas, and you must know!
Mass Effect 2 - This was a great ride, with some real impactful moment.
Mass Effect 3 - This was just as good, with some great scenes, if only it didn't trip at the finish line.
Rhythm Heaven Fever - Rhythm games! Wow, you go big guy!
Super Mario 3D Land - Yeah, this is a pretty competent Mario game. Now when do we get another Galaxy?
The Walking Dead - The most compelling adventure game experience you will ever have, everyone go play this.

1 comment:

  1. Dominant Species is a great game kind of long and hard for me to get others to play though.

    BattleCON was always a fun quick one

    Grabbed First Sparks as quick as I could and enjoy it quite a bit although I don't know if I like it more than Power Grid.

    Ora et Labora early mornings was a blast and eventually is what convinced me to buy it after you left although it's another game I've had trouble getting people to play with me.

    Have you tried Castles of Burgundy? I thought it would be very luck based but found the dice mechanic had enough options that the luck rarely screwed me. Had others I wanted to play this year but didn't get a chance like archipelago and tzolkin

    I like the blog gives me good ideas for games to try.
