What I Played Today: June 10

Android: Netrunner, Gunpoint

A friend had been begging me for months to come play Netrunner at this game store on Mondays and I always just want to go to Trivia instead, because being constantly hassled about something tends to make me one not want to do that thing. But I had built some decks and was a little excited, so I went, and left the store HATING the game. Because I kept losing. Just crashing and burning so hard and so frequently that even against a deck that I should have won against, I could not pull off a win. It was frustrating, and I didn't have fun. I was told it's because I've got to learn how to play before the game gets fun, but nah dog, I've fallen for that one before.

There was a cool moment where I ran into an agenda that I couldn't steal because I had to pay additional money to do so, and instead of letting the corp player keep it, I used a program to trash it, thus allowing me to acquire it at my leisure later on. That was neat.

Also played some more Gunpoint. Magic jumping pants.

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