What I Played Today: February 21


I have decided to start playing Skyrim again! I have it on my computer and it runs pretty well, and it's been forever since I've played, so why the hell not? I rolled up a fairly old Breton woman who is blind in one eye, because fuck stereotypes, and got to work being chased around by dragons. Got through the usual business, followed the Imperial guy through the tutorial, and got through the barrow with some difficulty (one time I triggered an obvious trap and died) and killed my first dragon, so everyone now knows I'm Dragonborn, so I guess I go visit the Greybeards now.

But yeah, Skyrim is still fairly good! I'm rocking a shortsword and flames, and kicking a lot of ass. Haven't really done any sidequests, but I think I'll hit up the magic school first, as soon as I get a bit more story under my belt.

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