What I Played Today: September 24

Concrete Jungle

There's also a multi-player version of Concrete Jungle, and I think I like it a little bit more. Every turn, you play three buildings, and then your opponent play three buildings, and so on. You score points based on how many buildings you place by the time the column fills, OR if you met your target score before then, then you get ALL the points in the column. It's also really hard, because the AI opponent is ruthless. But if gives a new purpose to all the cards, because buildings that provide negative bonuses can now be use to spoil your opponent's placements, and you also have to be careful with your positive bonus placements. There's also this cool thing where it kinda worth it to place a point-scoring building on a huge negative spot if your opponent is winning, because it kills their score. That's neat! Anyway, this game is still fascinating, I just unlocked a guy that has a major rural building focus.

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