What I Played Today: February 10

Marvel Heroes

I ended up playing a bit more of Marvel Heroes today than usual. I like that they added controller support but it is spotty at best. I have trouble going through doors, and there were a number of times when the character would get stuck in a loop and I had to use the mouse to gain control again. Also they didn't make any changes to the menu system, so the mouse is still the best way to do maintenance like selecting new powers and clearing out your inventory.

BUT I still like playing with a controller more than with a mouse, so I'm glad it was added. Hopefully they do some bug fixes so that it controls seamlessly in combat. Also Black Cat has an interesting power that is very weird, but it ended up actually mattering. She has "nine lives" meaning that every time she dies, she is raised immediately, up to NINE TIMES! The power of instant resurrection is not unheard of (Wolverine, Cable, Deadpool, etc.) but nine times? And it recharges at one life for every three minutes? Yeah, it turns out this is because she is a MASSIVE glass cannon. I ended up going through all my lives in a single encounter with a boss rush, so...interesting idea, but kind of annoying? Like, if you get trapped, you need to spend 15 minutes just recovering? Anyway, at least it gives me something to do with my medkits.

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