What I Played Today: February 19

Star Crusade

I saw that there was a new CCG on Steam, FOR FREE, so I downloaded it and YEP IT'S HEARTHSTONE. It wasn't even pretending that it wasn't Heartstone. Half the heroes had the same abilities, a lot of the cards are exactly the same, there's the same mission structure to gain credits, it's so Hearthstone.

Okay, well...it does have some interesting mechanics. For one, it has a lot of cards that interact with the abilities, which creates a lot of interesting choices. Spell Damage + is changed to Firepower, which is played with a great deal. A few heroes have unique abilities, like Mutate, which will improve most cards in your deck for a cost, or Psychic Charge, which also interacts with your deck. It's at the very least mature design. They thought about these cards and how they could make some interesting interactions, and I've managed to build a Firepower deck that kind of rocks?

But it's still a ripoff. I'm sick of ripoffs.

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