What I Played Today: April 22

Castlevania: Sympathy of the Night, Bloons Tower Defense 4

More asskicking in Castlevania, this time taking out a jerk named Orlok, who was sipping some brandy until I showed up and handed his ass to him. I also collected a bit of stuff, including some pointless boots. It’s nice playing a game that you don’t feel that you need a cheatsheet to; the map gives enough information to know when you missed a passage way (although it doesn’t tell you how to open it, of course), so if you’re stuck, just go back to that area and poke around. Maybe one of the new powers will help, who knows? I think I’m digging on Metroidvanias, I should really play some that were made in this decade. (I know Shadow Complex counts, but I’ve beat that one, so there we are.)

I’ve also got back on Kongregate to see a tower defense that I played a while back finally has achievements attached, Bloons Tower Defense 4. I must make clear that normal tower defense games bore the pants off me, they’ve got to have a gimmick to be worth the time. This games gimmick is that every hit is a one hit kill, so no bullshit about hit points and all that, but that each balloon may have a small balloon inside it, so you have to kill all of them. Some enemies can only be hurt certain ways, so you have to diversify your defenses, that kinda thing. It’s competent, even if it hangs on to a bullshit premise that stopped making sense when the first game came out 3 years ago. I mean, monkeys, really?

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