What I Played Today: September 19

Mage: The Ascension, DDR, Minecraft, Secret of Monkey Island

I’ve suddenly been inducted into a roleplaying group of dudes I mildly know, and it appears we’ll be meeting every Sunday and just hanging out, and it’s a good thing that they all seem like pretty chill guys. We sat together for a while chatting and all agreeing that we’ll be willing to roleplay in pretty much anything, and so we started by rolling up some Mage characters and giving that a try.

I attached to the idea of the Cult of Ecstasy, the cult who awakened to their magic ability by doing something crazy, and made a bit of a sleazy music agent, who once was a musician but turns to the biz when his fear of drug addiction overwhelmed him. He seemed to naturally transition into a leadership role during character creation, and we played a session where my character basically walked around collecting the other PCs to join his cabal while being a bit of a dick. It was pretty fun, especially near the end where another mage overdoses in an alley and started dangerously bending reality. After confirming I could do jackshit to him with my magic, I hid behind a dumpster while another PC shot him in the head, then stepped up and immediately took credit for the situation. Luckily I had connections the “manager” of the club we were in allowed us to clean up the body quickly, and we called the session. I look forward to playing again, although I have concerns that some of my character traits don’t match up to how I play my character, and my tendency to try to do too much has hampered my character.

Also played some DDR. The quest mode in this game is really stupid, but I finally made some headway and earned a new song. So, hurray?

Also played some more Minecraft, and I think it’s neat, but man, I do not know what I’m supposed to be doing. I found a really neat cave, and found a way to get down into it, but it just keeps going, so I thought, hey, I think I’ll go build something neat on that island I started on, only to find out that I have no idea how to get back there without dying. So...

I also played some of the Secret of Monkey Island because I was apparently very bored. I was one of the self-named island when I stopped playing the game last, and so I was a bit confused on what to do next, so I wandered around the island for a while, and man I have no idea what I’m supposed to do. I thought I figured out how to do something awesome when I pushed a rock, but man, it did not do a thing, so I ragequit.

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