What I Played Today: March 16


Just dicking around today, playing a little bit of that brand new MMO that plays a lot like every other MMO. What I did today I could have done in any MMO that has been released in the past seven years, killing lots of dudes for no adequately explained reason, going to the shore to stab some crocodiles, then did some stupid crafting (which is no different!). I seriously do not know how they get away with this, basically ripping off the same ideas as every other game and packaging it as something new. I cannot tell the difference between this crafting system and the one presented in WoW, because the resources are exactly the same. You find burlap sacks on humanoid creatures (why are they all carrying burlap sacks? Who knows!), you find hide from creatures, and you have to stand near a certain arbitrary structure to actually craft. It is boring, and I don’t want to do it.

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