What I Played Today: July 7


It is another time RIGHT NOW.

Finally got Internet, finally got settled-ish, so I went on a small adventure to check out my new surroundings. Went to check out The Source, which is my new favorite store, because they both have a ton of games and a ton of comics, and for a mere pittance, I get 10% off of everything, it's amazing. The Source, in Roseville.

But after there, I went to the Fantasy Flight Event Center, which I heard is pretty great, and I will say that it is pretty okay! They talk it up a lot, but in truth it's just an outlet in a mall, you can see everything at all times, and while it is the biggest space I've seen, it's still noticeably smaller than a convention hall play area. I still got a membership there, because free wifi and game rentals, that's great, and just sat down at a table and put my copy of Eclipse on the table and waited...like a venus fly trap...

It worked! A guy walked up and said, "Hey, I have a couple of friends coming, can we play this game with you?" To which I said, "Of course!" and as soon as they got there we played a four-player game, and it's actually super interesting when you get used to it.

The one part of the game that I completely misunderstood when I was reading the rules is that each action you take uses an influence token, and at the end of the round, you have to pay upkeep based on how many influence tokens you have left in your supply; the fewer, the more expensive it is for you. So...you can do a lot during your turn, but it'll cost you. It's a very interesting mechanic, I like it a lot.

We started the game pretty divided, and it wasn't easy to make contact with each other. We each built a small empire and made treaties with each other, but eventually, there were only two groups that haven't allied, and it was me and this other guy, so of course he marched his extremely fast and capable (and free!) cruisers into my territory and kicked me around. It put me at a disadvantage, but eventually he offered an alliance, which I took, and I got a chance to build up some huge victory point locations.

In the last round, there was a lot of cutthroat turnabout, my former friend going after my monoliths, which I defended ably, and another player sneak attacking him. The backstabber won, I was a point behind, but it was a pretty close game, considering. Good balance in this game, I will play again, preferably with aliens.

Then I went to get pizzas, and was told of a few other places where they play games, which was awesome. Apparently they liked that I didn't rage out when I was attacked or when someone didn't understand a rule, which is an odd distinction, and it also sounds like they have a huge group of players. So I'll make a point to check out some of these new places this week. Being somewhere different is fun!

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