What I Played Today: January 3

Familgia, Thunderstone, AC: Brotherhood

I went to the game store today and somebody bought me some games! So we played them. The first is a two-player game in which you are trying to get the majority of the cards in the deck into your hand. In order to do this, you need to match up two like-numbered cards to pick up a card of the next highest-number from the table. When you do this, though, you have to leave one of the cards on the table, which takes them out of play. Some sets of cards have special abilities, that reduce the number of a card on the table, or let you swap cards into your hand. It’s a cool idea, if only they hadn’t gone stupid with the graphic design. Each card has a stereotypical mobster on it, with Italian mobsters with last names like Linguini and Pesto (and the Godfather looks exactly like Don Corleone) and some mercenary thugs who all look like Mexican gang members. It’s…a bit bad, but the gameplay recovers it a bit.

I also got the new expansion to Thunderstone, and it’s better than the first expansion. The new monsters are fun to fight, the new heroes provide some neat benefits, and I really like the mercenary villagers, because they actually help in the dungeon, as opposed to most villagers. There’s also a neat mechanic that counts your EXP and uses it in interesting ways, which is cool. But it doesn’t include any traps or monsters that are impossible to defeat under certain circumstances, so that’s great.

I also played some more Assassin’s Creed, because I just…can’t…stop. I started using some poison, which is fun, but not as effective, because you need to be closer than usual to apply it somebody. But when you do, oh boy, it is a hoot. My game keeps falling apart, though, as once I’m on a losing streak, I have a hard time bouncing back. I really should consider moving faster, because I keep getting killed while I’m staring down my target, but incognito kills are worth so many points. I wants all the points; quality, not speed.

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