What I Played Today: October 11

Mage: The Ascension

This was not a very good session of roleplaying. We had a quorum, at least, with three players, but the problem was that it really felt like the GM didn’t know where we were going. My character woke in a hotel, where he was staying because he assumed that people were trying to kill him. After some screwing around, we find out that the club that had been the driving point of the game had been closed somehow, and so it was a matter of finding out who and how.

The only problem is that my guy was not a fighter. He was a talker, and after some research, we discovered that the people who had targeted us are not talking types. So…I let my comrades lead the search. We went to the zoo, saw some of the members of the cult that was after me, and…watched them. Eventually some people who were scary and had terrifying guns…so naturally we didn’t walk up to them. We are smart. So…after the party breaks up and mysteries abound, I went back to the hotel, because screw this, while my comrades followed a hobo for three hours only to watch up fall asleep under a tree. After this frustratingly stupid turn of events, we went to a gambling boat (don’t know why), and tried to sleep.

Then the stupid happened. A half-an-hour before we had agreed to break up for the night, there was a knock on the door, and we stupidly answered it, there was a guy in a ski mask with a rifle. This is the third time when some guy showed up to try and kill us for what can only be described as no good reason. I was a bit worried that this would happen, and even had my character say, “Well, at least we’re far enough from their stomping grounds so the cult couldn’t possibly find us.” As if to say, “Please don’t throw a fight at us because you think you have to.” But no, here was a jerk attacking us for no reason.

So I hid in the bathroom, and waited until we were supposed to be done and left. I just don’t know what to do. The problem is the system. The fights are boring because everyone has, effectively, 8 hit points, and there are too many rolls needed to deal one. If you’re not focused on combat, you fail in it, and when you can’t do combat well and the system makes doing good magic impossible at the first level (or ever, the level up system SUCKS), and I’m just frustrated because there is nothing I can really do very well. So…I hope everyone gets bored soon and we move to a new system.

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