What I Played Today: October 12

Gosu, Dominion: Prosperity

At game night, I finally got to get Gosu to the table, and I quite like it. You play cards into your plateau, and they all have special abilities. The factions have distinct abilities, and there are a lot of strategies. It does move a lot slower than I thought, we played for about an hour fifteen, but the machinations work for me. The game seemed to swing away from one particular player, but because he played his cards well and managed to use an alternate victory condition to win the game. That was neat.

Also played some more Dominion. There was a new player at the table, and it went pretty well, as it usually does. Dominion is a great beginner game. Well, a great game, period. We played with the absolute beginner’s set, and it explained the game pretty well. Then we broke out Prosperity, and that was good. I went with the strategy I viewed last time, combining Goons (+1 victory chip for each card you buy), Worker’s Village (plus actions and, importantly, plus buy) and Counting House (return all cooper from your graveyard to your hand), which eventually netted me +10 coin late in the game. This, despite having so much copper in my deck, helped me win. The third game featured some odd give-and-take cards, the trading route (a neat card, but having to trash a card every time it’s used is weird), the Mountebank (love this stupid card), and some other stuff. It was a weird game, with a lot of trashing of cards, where the focus ended up being more about Provinces than the new powerhouse Colonies. Odd. But I managed to win every game, which was neat, I guess. I’ve just played this game so much that it’s become natural what strategy to take.


  1. "But I managed to win every game, which was neat, I guess."

    Oh rrreeeeeallly?

  2. I...think. I don't know! I don't really track my wins, so maybe I lost one? I forgot!
