What I Played Today: August 28

Battlestar Galactica, Gunstringer, Guild Wars 2, Penny Arcade: Gamers vs. Evil, Sentinels of the Multiverse, Quarriors

I had one goal today, and I achieved it. I was trying to read the rules to another Asmadi game (I do not get these guys), when I saw a call on Twitter for more players for BSG, and I was in. Although I think my evil streak is officially over, as I was neither a cylon nor did I win. The game started easily, we got out of the mess pretty quickly, and were a bit at a loss of what to do. I noticed a lot of blue cards were showing up, which was weird, so I started to suspect Chief, and when Adama decided to use his once-a-game to fill his hands with blues, my cylon radar went off. After the flip, Boomer went to jail, but immediately broke out and insta-won a really good crisis for us, and while this was really nice, it was also so suspiciously helpful that I still suspected her.

BUT it was all for not, as during a player's turn, they had the feeling they should give an executive order to Adama. I told them not to do it, because I did not trust him, even though he just threw five cards into a skill check that we passed, but it was too late, and Adama revealed. Shortly after, Chief revealed, and they let us know they were at it from the beginning of the game, which I hadn't realized. Space soon became a disaster, and we couldn't keep up, especially after the mass assault supercrisis, so the humans lost while the cylons high-fived. I tried to warn the first guy, is all I'm saying.

At the Kinect booth, I got in to try the Gunstringer, and it works pretty well! You just move your one hand to get the guy to move, and then you shoot with the other. It is good enough for me to buy with money!

In the last hour of the convention, the line for Guild Wars 2 finally let up, and even though I could only manage to get 20 minutes in, I realized it was worth it, and played that for a little bit. I was on the fence with all the hype, the game showing up year and year, the radio silence with the last class, the no release date nonsense. Then I played it, and it's really dang good. I like a lot of it, I like the character creation, I like how they handle skills, I like their active event system or whatever they are calling it, I like it. Now, I realize that it is not Guild Wars, but you know? If it's as good overall as it seemed in those few minutes, then it doesn't need to be. If this game will just show us that they actually want us to play it before the heat death of the universe, I am totally down.

Then, after the con, the game of the show (the literal game) was played again, and it went fine. Lot of PVP Attacks, we ran out of PAX POX, which is their cheeky name for the curse card. One thing I notice is that at the end I never really know who won or lost, because by that point it is not important. It's also not very easy to ramp up to buying a high victory card every turn, because there is never a reason to flow towards all-power or all-tokens. You want to spend all your currency every turn, and so you always have just not enough to buy the boss cards.

After dinner, we played the little indie game I bought, Sentinels of the Multiverse, and it's a pretty good time. It's a coop game, four heroes against a villain, and it's real simple. Each players gets their own unique deck based on their hero's flavor. Just have the villain play a card, then each hero plays a card, uses a power, and draws a card, then the enviroment plays a card, and so forth until everyone dies or the villain is defeated. It's low of materials, as all you get is a lot of cards, and there's quite a bit of tracking needed, but which such a simple idea and has so much room for expansion and variety that I like it a lot. Also, the fact that it was only $40 in a tiny box when any other company would have charged $60 is a nice bonus. I want to play it more.

One late fast game of Quarriors; I managed to win because I got rid of nearly all my dice except a few pretty good ones, and I just ramped quickly towards victory, and then the fun times were done. But it was a great PAX, I had a great dang time.

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