What I Played Today: September 12

Rock Band Blitz

I played a bit of Rock Band Blitz, and it is frustrating that one of my only friends who owns this game is so good at it, because it is discouraging playing this game and realizing I am a full 100,000 points behind in almost every song. How am I supposed to catch up with that? Time and practice? Come on!

1 comment:

  1. I found a piece of advice online that has increased my scores exponentially, and that's to focus way less on maintaining a streak, and more on hitting as many purple and white notes as you can, and deploying your overdrive powerups as often as possible. Give that a try and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the results.

    Also, the other thing that motivated me to get better was seeing Eric Pope at the top of the leaderboard for every god damn song I played. Because seriously, fuck that guy.
